Wednesday 16 July 2014

Link to SAI: Sustainability Performance Assessment

Sustainability Performance Assessment (v2.0): Towards Consistent Measurement of Sustainability at Farm Level

The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform) is a food and drink company initiative supporting the development of sustainable agriculture worldwide. It brings together over 55 food and drink companies and affiliate members. More information can be found at

Here, I provide some links to resources provided by the SAI platform.

The SAI Platform recently produced a revised SustainabilityPerformance Assessment. "This report outlines choices and calculation rules for one or several computerised system(s) to measure sustainable farming [environmental sustainbility, at this stage] in a scientifically robust, farmer-friendly and sector-consistent manner. These general rules are meant to guide software developers and designers of farm reporting tools towards more uniform assessment."

The SAI platform provides a Farm Sustainability Assessment (v2.0), which is available as an Excel tool
and an online tool The online tool provides some guidance about use of the tool. From their website: "FSA 2.0 is a simple tool to assess farm sustainability, fully in line with the Principles and Practices for sustainable agriculture as they are developed by SAI Platform. FSA 2.0 covers environmental, social and economic aspects. An easy scoring mechanism provides farmers with an overview of their farm’s sustainability.
The purpose of FSA 2.0 is to:
  1. Provide a way to assess farmer sustainability and a basis for improvement plans
  2. Create a single benchmark for certification schemes and proprietary codes
  3. Remove the need for company-specific sustainable agriculture codes."
Here, I simply provide links to these resources. This should not necessarily be viewed as an endorsement (especially as I have not yet read them in detail). Nevertheless, these resources are important as an insight into the approach of the industry into addressing sustainability issues.

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