FLINT: Farm Level Indicators for New policy Topics
Teagasc is a member of the EU FP7 FLINT project. Our role in Work Package 1 is to develop policy-relevant farm-level indicators of social, economic and environmental indicators, for implementation in a survey of a European network of about 1,000 farms.
FLINT will also provide a data-infrastructure needed by the agro-food sector and policy makers to provide up to date information on farm level indicators on sustainability and other relevant new issues. The ultimate aim is to develop a farm-level approach to collect and co-ordinate data in a way that may inform future initiatives to monitor the effects of agricutlural policies.
Better decision making will be facilitated by taking into account the sustainability performance of farms on a wide range of relevant topics, such as
(1) market stabilization;
(2) income support;
(3) environmental sustainability;
(4) climate change adaptation and mitigation;
(5) innovation; and
(6) resource efficiency.
The approach will explicitly consider the heterogeneity of the farming sector in the EU and its member states. Together with the farming and agro-food sector the feasibility of these indicators will be determined.
For further information, see the project website at