Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Farmland Biodiversity: links to online booklet on farmland habitats

In a blast from the past, I re-discovered our booklet on 'Farmland Biodiversity: measures to create and enhance farmed habitats'.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Four-species mixtures increased weed suppression in intensively managed grasslands

Diversity robustly suppresses weeds in intensive grassland systems
How can we get more from less use of natural resources in agricultural systems? The use of multi-species mixtures (plant diversity) in intensively managed systems has been proposed as one strategy to improve agricultural sustainability. We show that four-species forage mixtures greatly increased weed suppression in intensively managed grasslands.

Uncontrolled weed growth can represent a major source of inefficiency, diverting nutrients, water, light and labour to an undesirable form of biomass, while herbicides incur significant environmental and economic costs. In pastures, weeds can impair forage quantity and quality resulting in reduced animal production, and increase the need for reseeding with its consequent costs. If diversity helps in maintaining a low level of weeds in pastures (and increases yield) it can increase the sustainable production of higher quality forage compared to systems relying on monocultures.  



Monday, 9 October 2017

Workshop presentations: Open Research Data in Ireland

Presentations from the 'National Approach to Open Research Data in Ireland' workshop (8 September 2017) are available to download from: http://dri.ie/presentations-national-approach-research-data-workshop-norf

Hilary Hanahoe -The Research Data Alliance in a nutshell
Birgit Schmidt - RDA for Libraries from an International Perspective
Sarah Jones - National approaches to data management
Ingrid Dillo - Trustworthy repositories for open research data
Natalie Harrower - DRI, RDA and Ireland
Rebecca Grant - Publishers and Research Data Management
Kate Kelly - Open Research Ireland

Friday, 21 July 2017

NASA website: comparison of global surface temperature

This is a great NASA website that allows comparison of global surface temperature anomalies. Users can specify reference years, and comparison years.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Our evidence does not support the conclusion ‘GLAS scheme is not working’

We recently published an article in the Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research entitled ‘A comparison of grassland vegetation from three agri-environment conservation measures’.
A media report of our research had a headline “GLAS scheme is not working, claim experts”. This headline is not supported by the evidence presented in our research article. Here, we explain the main results of our research, and then address in why we disagree with this heading.