Friday, 12 December 2014

Results-based agri-environment schemes

Results-based agri-environment schemes: payments for biodiversity achievements in agriculture

The European Commission is developing a web-based platform that brings together research, information and practical experiences on results-based agri-environment schemes, i.e. schemes that focus on paying for biodiversity achievements in agriculture.
Payments are only made where a result is achieved, making a direct link between the payment and the achievement of defined biodiversity outcomes (or other environmental results) on the ground. Focusing payments on achieving results offers farmers the flexibility to use their knowledge and experience to decide how to manage the land in a way that benefits biodiversity alongside farming operations. In so doing, results-based payment schemes often lead to an enhanced awareness of the importance of biodiversity conservation and protecting environmental resources as part of the agriculture system.

The web-based platform contains:
·         a searchable inventory of existing schemes;
·         a downloadable handbook with guidance for designing such approaches, and;
·         numerous expert articles and videos to increase understanding about scheme design, implementation and monitoring.

Their blog discusses the latest findings and contributors can share thoughts and knowledge about payments for biodiversity achievement in farming.

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