In assessing the benefits associated with multi-species mixtures, it’s important to disentangle the different and potentially confounding effects of plant richness, supply of nitrogen, and whether research has been conducted on grazed or mechanically harvested plots. Therefore, I tend to clarify these points about the different studies involved.
Diversity promotes yield in semi-natural grasslands
Ecological research conducted in relatively species-rich and nutrient-poor
systems very clearly shows that grassland yield is enhanced by species
diversity (e.g. reviewed in Hooper at al. 2005, Cardinale et al. 2007), and
that multiple ecological processes may be more effective when species diversity
is higher. In many studies (e.g. Hector et al 1999) one sees a very rapid
response (ascending limb) from 1-5 species, and a smaller but consistent
response as richness increases further (see Fig. 1 below).
however, that the level of yield from the more species-rich mixtures is not as
high as would be obtained if other (agronomic) species were used and with added
inorganic fertiliser. However, the purpose of these experiments was to
demonstrate the effect of biodiversity loss within natural ecosystems i.e the
consequences as one goes from higher (right hand side of Fig. 1) to lower
diversity (left hand side of Fig. 1). In addition, adding even modest amounts
of nitrogen fertiliser to species-rich grasslands results in a very strong reduction in plant diversity (Kleijn et al. 2009).
![]() |
Fig. 1 Aboveground biomass harvested from plots sown with known numbers of species in a common experiment across multiple EU sites as part of EU BIODEPTH experiment. Adapted from Hector et al. 1999. |
Relevance to intensively managed agricultural grasslands…
ability of more diverse plant communities to acquire available resources and
convert them into above-ground biomass has obvious relevance for agricultural
systems, although the results from extensively-managed (low-nutrient)
semi-natural grasslands do not necessarily extrapolate to intensively-managed
grasslands. Although ecological principles from diversity-function research
therefore suggest that increasing plant species diversity in agronomic systems
may improve biomass production, this has not been extensively tested. The
potential multiple benefits of diverse agronomic crops with more than two
species have been under-researched, but could have important implications for
more sustainable agricultural practices by providing sufficient crop yield
while minimising environmental impacts.
recently, a number of studies have been investigating multi-species mixtures. I
discuss some of these here.
grass/legume mixtures generally outyielded best-performing monoculture
Agrodiversity experiment was conducted at each of 31 sites (17 European
countries and Canada) (Fig. 2). Fifteen grassland communities comprising four monocultures and
eleven mixtures of four functional types of species (each represented by one
species) (see Finn et al., 2013 for details). The choice of species for
use in multi-species mixtures can be strategically designed to include traits
that maximise complementarity and interspecific interactions to improve
resource utilisation and yield of above-ground biomass. Thus, we selected
functional types that consisted of a fast-establishing grass, a
fast-establishing legume, a temporally persistent grass and a temporally
persistent legume. The selection of species varied across sites, but the most
commonly used species were Lolium perenne
L., Trifolium pratense L., Dactylis
glomerata L., and Trifolium repens L. All plots were
mechanically harvested.
![]() |
Fig. 2. Distribution of the European sites that participated in the Agrodiversity experiment. (Canadian site not shown.) |
was a considerable range in site productivity, reflecting the different
geographical and climatic regions across the study sites. Annual averages of
total yield (dry matter) per site ranged from about 18 t ha-1 year-1
to about 3 t ha-1 year-1. Across all sites, yield of sown
species (not including weed biomass, and averaged across years and seed density) of mixtures exceeded that of
the mean monoculture in 99.7% of mixture communities with an average (across
all mixtures and sites) ratio of mixture/monoculture yield of 1.77 (Fig. 3).
Transgressive overyielding (better yields than in the best monoculture)
occurred in 79% of mixture communities and was significant at 71% of sites. At sixteen
sites, all of the mixture communities yielded more than the best monoculture
community. The yield benefit of
mixtures was already evident in year 1, and persisted for the three years of
the experiment.
Across all sites, monocultures displayed much higher levels
(and variability) of weed invasion than mixtures. The median percentage of weed
biomass in the total yield of monocultures increased over time (15% in year 1,
20% in year 2 and 32% in year 3); in contrast, the median percentage of weed
biomass in the mixtures remained consistently low (4% in year 1, 3% in year 2
and 3% in year 3).
Agrodiversity experiment varied considerably in the use of inorganic nitrogen,
with several sites operating under organic status, and the low-fertility sites
only applied low or no inorganic nitrogen. However, the more productive sites
did apply nitrogen at intermediate rates e.g. between 100 and 200 kg N per ha
per year. What was absent from the experiment was a comparison with a
monoculture with a high level of nitrogen that would act as a positive control
i.e. to test whether the mixtures could outperform a monoculture with high
N. Nevertheless,
what was clear was that the magnitude of mixture benefits was sufficient for
mixtures to regularly yield more than the best-performing agronomic monoculture
(transgressive overyielding). This is striking for three main reasons: first,
the rapidity and frequency of transgressive overyielding; second, the
occurrence of transgressive overyielding across such a wide range of mixtures,
and; third its occurrence across such a wide range of sites that differed in
soil type, productivity and climate.
Having demonstrated strong benefits of four-species mixtures, we are now looking at the benefits of six species mixtures with two grasses, two legumes and two herbs. The 2018 (with natural drought) total yields in plots that were mechanically harvested were as follows:
- Six-species mix 150 kg N – 12.5 t/ha
- Ryegrass 300 kg N – 11.2 t/ha
- Ryegrass 150 kg N – 9.4 t/ha
mixtures maintained yield despite substantial reductions in N fertiliser
Grass-legume mixtures in
grassland forage systems can benefit from symbiotic N2 fixation of
legumes, thereby increasing total harvest yield, total N yield, and forage quality. Because legumes have access to atmospheric N2
for their N requirements, the relative availability of soil N increases for
grasses in mixtures due to ‘N
sparing’ (increased availability of soil N because legumes rely on symbiotic N2
fixation). Therefore, the use of grass-legume mixtures could allow substantial
reductions in amounts of industrial N fertiliser in agricultural grassland
systems without a compromise in yield. At the Swiss site of the Agrodiversity
experiment, Nyfeler et al. (2009)
compared monoculture and mixture yields across three levels of nitrogen (50,
150 and 450 kg N ha-1 year-1) (Fig. 4). Their results indicated a
high potential for N-fertilizer replacement: grass–clover mixtures containing
40–60% clover and receiving 50 or 150 kg N ha-1 year-1
achieved the same yield as grass monocultures fertilized with 450 kg N ha-1
year-1 (Nyfeler et al.,
2009). Diversity–productivity effects were reduced at the highest level of N
fertilization and at 450 kg N ha-1 year-1, they virtually
disappeared in the third year.
These results illustrate an example of sustainable intensification and 'more from less'; it is possible to get more yield from less input by using legumes to replace the input of nitrogen fertiliser.
Yield benefits of mixtures persist under grazing
Many experiments on multi-species
mixtures have been conducted under conditions where the forage has been
harvested by mowing (although variety testing for grasses and clovers in pastures is harvested in the same way). Do the benefits of mixtures
that are observed under mowing also prevail under grazing? There are many
experiments with grass-clover (2-species) mixtures under grazing; however, comparisons of
more species-rich combinations are less common.
A recent study investigated whether grazing modifies the benefits of mixtures on total N yield compared to mowing (Huguenin-Elie et al., 2016). The design included N2-fixing and non-fixing species, as well as shallow- and deep-rooting species. Lolium perenne (Lp) monoculture and mixtures with Cichorium intybus (Ci), or/and Trifolium repens (Tr) and Trifolium pratense (Tp) were compared under grazing or mowing for their N yield and capture of fertilizer and atmospheric N2. Mixtures of the N2 fixing and the non-fixing species with 145 kg N ha-1 yr-1 yielded as much N as the L. perenne monoculture fertilized with 350 kg N ha-1 yr-1, showing the considerable benefit of mixtures for N efficiency. The benefits of the mixtures on N yield were similar under grazing and mowing. Grazing did not modify the proportion of N derived from fertilizer and symbiotic N2 fixation in the plants (Huguenin-Elie et al., 2016).
A recent study investigated whether grazing modifies the benefits of mixtures on total N yield compared to mowing (Huguenin-Elie et al., 2016). The design included N2-fixing and non-fixing species, as well as shallow- and deep-rooting species. Lolium perenne (Lp) monoculture and mixtures with Cichorium intybus (Ci), or/and Trifolium repens (Tr) and Trifolium pratense (Tp) were compared under grazing or mowing for their N yield and capture of fertilizer and atmospheric N2. Mixtures of the N2 fixing and the non-fixing species with 145 kg N ha-1 yr-1 yielded as much N as the L. perenne monoculture fertilized with 350 kg N ha-1 yr-1, showing the considerable benefit of mixtures for N efficiency. The benefits of the mixtures on N yield were similar under grazing and mowing. Grazing did not modify the proportion of N derived from fertilizer and symbiotic N2 fixation in the plants (Huguenin-Elie et al., 2016).
In a two-year grazing experiment
(with 75 kg N ha-1 yr-1) in France, an increase of
botanical complexity from one to five species (two grasses, two clovers and
chicory) resulted in positive effects on animal performance (Roca-Fernández et al., 2016). They distinguished
between monocultures of perennial ryegrass, ‘mixed swards’ of grass and clover,
and ‘multi-species swards’ of grasses, clovers and chicory. Compared to mixed
swards, multi-species swards improved production of milk (+0.8 kg/day) and milk
solids (+0.04 kg/day), which was attributed to enhanced sward quality and
increased dry matter intake (+1.5 kg DM/day).
In a two-year grazing experiment
in the northeastern USA (no nitrogen fertiliser was applied), four mixture
communities were compared: two species (one grass, one legume), three species
(one grass, one legume, and chicory), six species (three grasses, two legumes
and chicory), and nine species (four grasses, four legumes and chicory). In a
dry year, the two-species mixture (4800 kg ha-1 dry matter) yielded
less than the other mixtures (7600 kg ha-1 dry matter); there was no
difference in dry matter yields (9800 kg ha-1 dry matter) in the
year with plentiful rainfall (Sanderson et
al. 2005).
recently in Ireland, the Smartgrass project established farmlets with perennial
ryegrass (Lolium perenne) only, receiving
163 kg N ha−1 year−1 (PRG); a perennial ryegrass and white
clover (Trifolium repens) sward (PRGWC);
a six species sward containing two grasses, two legumes and two herbs (6S); and
a nine species sward containing three grasses, three legumes and three herbs (9S),
and each of the latter three treatments receiving 90 kg N ha−1 year−1.
Lambs grazing the multispecies 6S and 9S swards had greater liveweight gain and
body condition score than those in the PRG sward, and required fewer
anthelmintic treatment than lambs on the PRG or PRGWC swards (Grace et al. 2019b). Grace et al. (2018)
concluded that “Multispecies swards did not differ in terms of annual DM
production despite lower N inputs compared to PRG swards over a two year study.
Sward chemical composition was largely similar between sward types. However,
herb content of the swards decreased over the duration of this study.”
Overall, these experiments point to the ability of
more complex (>2 species) mixtures to improve yields for livestock
production, and with less input of inorganic nitrogen. Several studies have reviewed
the contribution of grass-legume mixtures to the nutrition and production of
livestock (e.g. Lüscher et al. 2014, Dewhurst et al. 2009).
As have many other authors, Grace et al. (2019a)
stated that “Multispecies swards show potential for higher DM production from lower
N inputs compared with PRG‐only swards. However, maintaining the proportions of
key species may affect the productivity of such swards." This is an important
point: to achieve the benefits of multispecies mixtures under intensive management while maintaining the multiple species that provide
the benefits. This is where systems-level research can help to investigate management
to promote species’ persistence (duration of grazing rotation), and implement effective techniques to re-introduce
species (e.g. oversowing) that may be declining in the sward.
Other links:
Multi-species mixtures promote yield stability (under drought conditions)
Four-species mixtures increased weed suppression in intensively managed grasslands
of the above content has been taken from a conference paper by Finn et al. and submitted in 2017 to the 54th
Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Animal Science.
Cardinale B J,
Wright J P, Cadotte M W, Carroll I T, Hector A, Srivastava D S, Loreau M, Weis
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Dewhurst, R.
J., Delaby, L., Moloney, A., Boland, T., and Lewis, E. (2009). Nutritive value
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